Head and neck cancers affect anyone at any age, regardless of the originating place and how they are caused. These are a group of cancers that develop within the nose, mouth, throat, and other areas. Even after increased awareness, numerous myths continue to circulate.

This causes confusion not only among the patients but also among their families. Avoiding these myths is essential for early detection and gaining success in Head & Neck Cancer surgery. Go through this blog to know the top and common myths related to Head & Neck Cancer.

Top Five Myths Busted

  1. Head and neck cancer is found among smokers only.

Fact: While tobacco use and smoking are some major risk factors for neck and head cancers, they are not only caused by them. Many other reasons cause these cancers, such as infections, alcohol consumption, etc.

Non-smokers are also diagnosed with head and neck cancer. There is a need for awareness across all the demographics.

  1. Surgery leads to permanent disfigurement.

Fact: Surgical evolution has made it possible to remove tumours with a very negligible impact on appearance. Advanced methods such as invasive procedures and robotic surgery are used by top ENT hospitals in Gurgaon. Improving patient recovery times with minimal scarring.

In addition, reconstructive surgery helps restore both appearance and function in patients who require extensive tissue removal. Experienced surgeons collaboratively work with other surgeons in plastic surgery to ensure the best patient outcomes.

  1. Head and neck cancer is not curable.

Fact: Just like other cancers, this cancer is also treatable. With early diagnosis, head and neck cancer can be cured easily. Chemotherapy, Head & Neck Cancer Surgery, and radiation are its treatment options. Prognosis is significantly improved with early disease detection.

After treatment, most patients live a healthy life.  You can search for an ENT doctor near me to find the best treatment for head and neck cancer. Early detection and effective treatment are crucial to prolong the patient’s life.

  1. The same cancer treatment is provided everywhere.

Fact: Not all hospitals can offer the same level of technological advancements and expertise. It is crucial to choose a hospital with a proven track record when it comes to head and neck surgery. Similarly, in complex ENT cases, the proven record is crucial.

The Top ENT hospitals in Gurgaon are well known for their expertise in providing personalized care. Combining advanced surgical techniques with comprehensive rehabilitation post-treatment. Ensuring the best treatments for patients and optimal outcomes.

  1. Head and neck cancer is found among older adults only

The risk of head and neck cancer growth indeed increases with age. Still, the younger people are not immune to this. Among younger people, HPV-related head and neck cancers are commonly found, even among those who do not drink or smoke.

However, most head and neck cancer cases are found among patients who are 50 years older or above. This disease takes time to develop. Regardless of age, early detection and screening help manage diseases more effectively.

To sum up, these are some of the common misconceptions regarding Head & Neck Cancer. Stay informed and avoid myths to stay healthy. To get the best treatment for Head & Neck Cancer Surgery, approach Gurgaon ENT.

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